All School Virtual Open House!

Tuesday, February 23 - 12:00AM to Sunday, March 7 - 11:45PM
Virtual Online

Knowing that selecting a school is an extremely important decision that requires some extensive research and information, we want to provide an effective means for prospective and current parents to learn about our school in a COVID-safe manner.
As a result, we are inviting families to take a "virtual" tour of our school, where our teachers will share information about themselves as well as their grade level expectations and learning goals by utilizing a virtual format. 
Listed below is a link to each classroom.  Please view as many as you would like to get a glimpse into each of our grade levels:
Miss Pomroy: Kindergarten

Mrs. Kurien: 1st Grade

Mrs. Geary: 2nd Grade

Mrs. Topel: 3rd Grade

Miss Scheiwe:  4th Grade

Miss Toman: 5th Grade

Mrs. Wagg: 6th Grade

Mrs. Weston: 7th Grade

Mr. Topel: 8th Grade
We hope you enjoyed your tour!

If you have any questions, please contact our school office at 248-624-7677.
We look forward to some day meeting you and your child!

God's Blessings!

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