The "Key" To Staying Positive

"For we know that in all things, God works for the good for those who love Him."       Romans 8:28

Have you ever made a decision that seemed to make perfect sense at the time, only to find out shortly afterwards that there were serious flaws in your logic?

Last Sunday, we had the opportunity to celebrate Ken's mom's 80th birthday! With a guest list of approximately 60 people, we decided to utilize a party venue that was close to her home in Howell, Michigan.
Minutes before my son and daughter-in-law left their condo in Plymouth, they decided to take Courtney's car.  However, my son determined that the house keys on her key chain made the set of keys too bulky to fit in the pockets of his new coat so he took them off the key chain and placed them on the kitchen counter.  Courtney immediately questioned his actions, but he reassured her that everything would be fine and off they went.
The party was lovely, and it was so much fun to see so many family members and friends gather together to celebrate such a momentous occasion.  However, as we were leaving, we were all surprised at how intense the wind had become, to the point that people were expressing concerns to each other to be careful driving home.
The intense winds followed Josh and Courtney all the way back to their home in Plymouth, and as they turned on their street, the unusual darkness from every home on their block caused immediate concern.  Even more concerning was their unresponsive electric garage door opener. However, Josh's emotional state elevated to panic when Courtney suggested that they just enter through the front door and vivid flashbacks of the house key on the kitchen counter flooded his brain.
Learning from the DTE website that power would not return until after midnight, and a $120 quote from a local locksmith, led them to call their landlord and ask if they could get a spare set of keys. Fortunately, they were home and gave their address, which of all places, meant driving back to Howell again!
As they were driving, Josh realized that he really messed up and was in serious deep water with his wife, so he suggested, "Let's look for all the blessings in this, rather than focus on the inconveniences!"  And as they looked for the positives, such as the opportunity to spend more time together, learning a lesson about taking keys off rings, realizing they need to keep a spare set at a parents' house, getting to know the community of Howell... the mood of the car began to change.  
When they finally arrived at the landlord's, the gentleman asked, "Well,since you're here, let's talk about your plans for next year." And when Josh stated that they would like to stay another year, the gentleman replied, "Well if you stay another year, I won't raise your rent."  And that blessing topped their entire list!
One of my favorite and reassuring Bible verses is found in Romans 8:28 which states, "We know that in all things, God works for the good for those who love Him."
When things don't go the way that we expect, a change in perception can allow us to see the blessings despite unexpected detour. Often, my disappointment, anger, or fear distorts my vision and prevents me from recognizing the unexpected blessings. Circumstances may not always go according to our plans, but when we realize God is always at work and trust that somehow He will work good out of any situation, the blessings become a little more apparent.
Have a wonderful Winter Break, knowing that Jesus loves you dearly and is always at work in your life.
In His love,
Mrs. Palka

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