"Dream Small and help us work in BIG ways to help the homeless people in Detroit!"
This Christmas, my daughter-in-law and I both received "Instant Pots" as a gift. Since then, we are both enjoying sharing with each other how fast we can make a meal. "I just made pulled pork in 30 minutes!" "I made chicken noodle soup in just 7 minutes!" "I made orange chicken with only 5 ingredients and cooked the chicken in 4 minutes! If only I could figure out how to make this thing do the laundry as efficiently, I would be all set!"
In this current "Instant Pot" society... it is amazing how fast people can throw in a few ingredients and "instantly" enjoy a meal. The sad reality is that for approx. 554,000 homeless people in the United States, 2,000 of which reside in Detroit, preparing a home - cooked meal is a near impossible task. Sounds like a great time for a small dream....
On Sunday, January 28th, from 4:00 - 6:00 p.m., St. Matthew Lutheran School families will have the opportunity to work together to "Dream Small And Watch God Work In Big Ways" as we assemble bagged lunches for those who frequent the NOAH Project Homeless Warming Shelter. The NOAH Project is based in Central Methodist Church, which is located next to Comerica Park in downtown Detroit. On Monday, January 29th, our 8th graders will have the opportunity to travel to Central Methodist Church and help distribute the lunches with Mr. Topel, Mr. Welte, and myself.
To help with the organization of this event, we are hosting two sign up times. Group One will work in the gym assembling lunches from 4:00-4:55 p.m. and then eat pizza together. Group Two will eat pizza together from 4:30-4:55 p.m. and then assemble lunches in the gym from 5:00-5:50 p.m.
To sign up for this event, please CLICK HERE or use the form that is being sent home tomorrow.
It is our hope that your family will be able to join us and help "dream small" and help those who are in need.
In His love,
Mrs. Palka