"Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of Mine, you did for Me." Matthew 25:40
Many years ago, a student of dear friends of mine decided to use his guinea pig as the focal point of his 8th Grade Science Fair project. Starting in September, he wrote his hypothesis revolving around the research that he planned to perform, and throughout the remaining months, the guinea pig was the focus of all of his data. Weeks before the final January submission date, he woke up and discovered that the Lord had taken his beloved guinea pig to Heaven while he slept. His scream caused both parents to rush into his bedroom, where everyone was frozen with shock at what they saw. Finally, the young man broke the silence by saying, "Well this is very unfortunate timing!"
Have you ever encountered that same type of experience where things just didn't turn out the way that you had hoped or expected, so you quickly had to resort to Plan B? As I was driving home during Monday's snowstorm and thinking of this week's Turkey Trot I, too, had similar thoughts of "well this is very unfortunate timing!" However, during those times, we need to remember that God's ways are always best, and He will work powerfully, no matter what conditions! In fact, we often see His hand actively at work especially during Plan B moments! And, as a result of our soccer field being covered in the unexpected ten inches of snow, God has given us a very exciting Plan B of running around the school hallways instead of being outside this Friday morning!
So here are the new details of our Plan B for this year's Turkey Trot:
1. Students will run the hallways instead of outside, so please dress appropriately including appropriate footwear.
2. All pledge sheets and funds are to be turned in on Friday... unless you have someone pledging you on how many laps you complete. If you need a new pledge sheet, please click HERE. Please remember that God will bless any amount that you raise!
3. Students raising over $50 will receive an official Turkey Trot T-shirt with the above logo within 14 days.
4. Preschool - Grade 4 will run from 9:15 - 10:00 a.m.
5. Grades 5 - 8 will run from 10:15 - 11:00 a.m.
6. Our "Slime Time" assembly will be held at 2:50 p.m. As a result, the students that completes the most laps or raises the most funds will have the opportunity to select a Student Council member and "SLIME" him/her during a school assembly!
Let's work together to Let the Whole World and Braedon See the Greatness of Our God!
We look forward to watching God do great things through "Plan B" and all of our efforts!
In Jesus' Love,
Mrs. Palka