We're On Our Way into the 2021/2022 School Year! And Already... There has been so Much Joy in this Journey!

“Every good and perfect gift is from above.” James 1:17

Have you ever planned for a vacation or an event and found it very difficult to sleep the night before the big day? After all the preparations and organization, the anticipation generates such a strong sense of excitement that it is just difficult to relax and settle into a deep sleep. For many of us, that is what we experienced last Sunday night, as we were so excited to start the 2021/2022 school year!

And what's really amazing is that the Lord has already blessed us in so many significant ways, and we're only four days into this school year! Listed below are highlights of our summer blessings: 

Welcome Mrs. Geary!  We are so extremely blessed that the Lord brought Mrs. Angie Geary to serve as our Second Grade teacher this year! Mrs. Geary is a Master teacher coming to us from Huron Valley Public Schools, where she has taught various grade levels, as well as served as a Curriculum Specialist and Teacher Trainer. Outside of the classroom, Mrs. Geary enjoys spending with her family and friends, as well as reading and traveling. Mrs. Geary also attends St. Matthew church and has served as a Children’s Ministry volunteer. We are so excited to have Mrs. Geary on our staff!

St. Matthew Welcomes 50 New Students!  It thrills us to announce that 50 new children have joined our St. Matthew family! We are honored that these families have selected to entrust their children into our care, and we look forward to watching these new students blossom in their academic and spiritual journeys.

Congratulations Miss Pomroy!  Miss Pomroy had a very exciting summer as she became engaged to her boyfriend, Andrew Osborn!
They are planning to get married at Concordia University in July 2022. We are extremely happy for both of them and the future that the Lord has planned for them.

Future Student for the Class of 2036!  We are so extremely happy to announce that Mr. and Mrs. Topel are assisting with our school enrollment as they are expecting their first child in February of 2022! Our hearts are rejoicing with the Topels for this beautiful gift from God!

National Lutheran School Accreditation Awarded  - On Sunday, August 29th, the Superintendent of Michigan Lutheran Schools, Mr. Travis Grulke, awarded St. Matthew Lutheran School with our National Lutheran Schools Accreditation certification. This accreditation process took two years to complete by a team of thirty people consisting of staff members, Pastors, School Board members, and supportive congregational members. During the presentation, Mr. Grulke shared that we achieved an extremely high score. It is apparent that God is doing great things through our school ministry. In this we give God all of the glory! 

With the Lord's guidance, we are truly "On Our Way" to a wonderful school year, and we are so grateful to have your family joining us!

In Jesus' Love,
Mrs. Palka

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