With Jesus as our Protector, you can't touch this!
"But the Lord is faithful, and He will strengthen you from the evil one.” 2Thes 3:3
"Nana... I so scared!" were the words expressed as my two-year-old grandson hid his face in my neck last Saturday.
With his wife out of town for the weekend, my son was looking for fun things to with the kids, and, as a result, he invited my other son and me to join them on an adventure to the Sea Life Aquarium, located in Great Lakes Crossings. Both children were very excited to go and see the “fishies”, but they were extremely excited to see the "sharks". Nevertheless, when you are only two-years-old and thirty-four inches tall, standing next to the large clear tanks can be a little intimidating, especially when large stingrays, eels, and sharks come right up to the glass. "Baby Shark" is a cute little song to sing in the car, but it's a totally different story when a real live baby shark is swimming over your head!
However, Max failed to understand that there was a strong, unbreakable barrier that kept him safe. The aquarium’s protective glass shielded him from danger and all of the "scary" things that remained behind the glass walls.
This week in the church calendar, the Lenten season began. Lent is the period of time before Easter when Christians follow Jesus’ journey to the cross and focus on God’s amazing love story of sending His Son to be our Savior. As I sat and reflected on Max’s experience at the aquarium, it reminded me so much of God’s great rescue plan for His people.
Due to sin severing our relationship with God, our Heavenly Father knew we needed a Savior, so He sent His one and only Son to save us from our sins and the evil of this world. Just as the glass was protecting Max from the scary things in the tank, Jesus is the barrier that protects us and takes the pressure of the evil things in our lives. And just as Max didn’t always notice the glass barrier was present, though we can’t physically see Jesus, our faith reminds us that He is always there watching over and protecting us, and one day, we will have eternal life through our faith in Him!
As this Lenten season begins, we want to enhance the meaning of this special period of time by encouraging everyone to spend more time focusing on Jesus and all that He done for us. To assist with this goal, your child brought home an age appropriate Lenten devotional booklet yesterday that we hope is a useful tool to help focus and reflect on Jesus’ journey to the cross. We have encouraged all students to put this booklet by their beds or on their kitchen tables or somewhere visible as a reminder to personally spend some extra time with God each day.
Praying you have a very meaningful Lenten season!
In His Love,
Mrs. Palka