"Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for Me." Matthew 25:40
One of my favorite Christian song writers is a gentleman by the name of Matthew West. Many years ago, this amazing performer had a hit song entitled “Do Something” that actually was our school theme for the 2017/2018 school year. This song highlights the concept of Christian servant-hood and how God created each of us with gifts to help those in need, thus the song’s refrain that “It’s Time For Us To Do Something”. During yesterday’s Chapel service led by Mr. Czinder and Mrs. Lancaster, we learned how God used one of our third graders, Paul Szpara, and his family to “Do Something” for children in Africa who do not have clean water to drink. With the assistance of Paul’s mom, listed below is a brief synopsis of Paul’s passionate journey of stepping out in faith to help children in need:
During the spring of 2021, St. Matthew Lutheran Church encouraged church and school members to participate in the "Matthew 25 Challenge" through World Vision, and the Szpara family was compelled to sign up. They ate beans and rice, walked up and down their street carrying jugs of water, and slept on the floor. During that week, their hearts softened to the poverty that families experience in Africa, so when they were asked to be “Chosen” by a child in Africa they responded with an enthusiastic “YES.” Even though they were already sponsoring children through another program, they grew an appreciation for World Vision and its strategies for bringing communities out of poverty – especially through their water program. In late spring of that same year, Paul’s heart for children in Africa led him to ask his extended family to donate to World Vision in lieu of birthday presents. He put together a display board and collected $252 that he donated toward Mr. Thomas Czinder’s participation in Team World Vision (a run/walk fundraiser).
Fast forward to 2022! When St. Matthew members were asked to participate on Team World Vision, Paul’s mom showed some interest, and, of course, once that idea fell on Paul’s ears, he declared that if she was going to do it, and he was going to join her. Since Paul is only 8 years old, the half and full marathon were out of the question, so they both asked if they could train with Team World Vision but run the 5K, which was approved. Starting in June, after school let out for the summer, Paul was not looking forward to sleeping in Saturday mornings, nor watching cartoons. His Saturdays started at 6:20 a.m. when his mom would wake him up for their team run in Northville. Paul’s presence at the runs brings many smiles. The runners are all so supportive of him and often exclaim, “Good job!” “Way to go!” as he runs/walks down the trail. Sometimes he gets tired and needs to slow down, but that is when he remembers most who he is running for. He knows he is running for kids who walk an average of 6K a day for unsanitary water, and he knows he is running for kids who lack an education because they are fetching water instead of attending school. And he knows he is running for kids who desperately need Jesus and His love. Through walking, running, biking, praying, and fundraising, Paul is making a difference.
One way Paul fundraised toward their $2,000 goal was through a lemonade stand. He was excited about passing out flyers to each of the neighbors. The date and time were set, 10lbs of lemons were squeezed and mixed with sugar and water, and World Vision facts and photos were put on display. They were ready! The only issue was that rain was coming! They prayed and prayed that God would hold off the rain because in their minds, good weather meant a good turnout, which would lead to maximum donations. However, God had different plans. The Heavens opened up and rained down three inches of water in two hours. But during a lull in that storm, neighbors arrived by carloads and huddled under the 10 by 10 tent as Paul hurried to make sure everyone had a tall glass of lemonade. What a beautiful experience to see so many people come out in the rain to support World Vision. Turns out they did not need good weather, but a great God who showed up in mighty ways! He took the willing heart of an 8-year-old boy, some lemons, and generous neighbors to raise $1,156, which will bring clean drinking water to 23 children! That evening Paul and his family were drenched, not only in water, but in God’s love and goodness. Paul’s hope is that funds raised will bring life-sustaining water and God’s love to poor communities in Africa. In faith, Paul and his mom have since raised their goal to $5,000. After all, we know what can happen with a willing heart and a God who shows up in mighty ways!
One of our main priorities at St. Matthew Lutheran School is to partner with parents and the Holy Spirit to nurture and raise up passionate disciples who are willing to "do something" to share Jesus' love with others. Paul and his family are inspirations to all of us regarding how God can use willing hearts to do great things in His name. We look forward to hearing how the Lord will continue to bless Paul's efforts as he and his mom run for World Vision during the Detroit Marathon, which will be held during the weekend of October 15th
Have a wonderful week looking for opportunities to share His love with others!
In Jesus' Name,
Mrs. Palka