But Jesus immediately said to them: “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.” Matthew 14:27
Currently, all eyes are on Florida, as Hurricane Ian continues to batter most of Florida with catastrophic winds, rain, and storm surges throughout most of Florida's regions. Hourly weather updates have been grabbing our attention as well as guiding our prayer petitions, especially when we have loved ones or own property in Florida. If you have ever experienced being caught in a hurricane, you know first-hand how frightening this type of storm can be.
Many years ago, a friend of mine was so excited when her husband surprised her with a cruise to celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary. Days before their departure, a hurricane formed in the ocean, but the cruise-line reassured them that there was no need to be concerned due to the fact that the predicted path of the hurricane would not affect the route of their cruise. They were so excited to embark the ship and enjoy many of the amenities during that first day at sea. However, she confessed that her first "red flag" that the weather forecast was about to abruptly change was when she witnessed the crew throw all of the deck furniture and lounge chairs into the swimming pools later that night. Much to their dismay, the next day, the hurricane changed course and the cruise could not avoid its path. Passengers were told to stay in their cabins as the waves tossed the ship back and forth. Thankfully, the ship was able to pull into a port, and all passengers were checked into a hotel where they spent a significant amount of time seeking refuge in the safest structural part of the hotel room, which was the bathroom. As the winds howled, my friend and her husband spent much time in prayer, asking God to keep them safe. The next day, they were able to leave the hotel and return home. The cruise line even gave them a voucher for another cruise, which took a long time for them to redeem!
Storms can be frightening, but as Christians, we have peace knowing that we never face storms alone because Jesus is always with us. Scripture tells us in Matthew 14 of a time when the disciples were facing a similar situation of being in a boat during a tremendous storm. Jesus came to them, walking on the water, and yelled to them, "It is I; don't be afraid." Knowing that being next to Jesus is the best place to be, especially during a frightening storm, Peter called out and requested, "If it is you Lord, tell me to come to you." Instantly, Jesus commanded for Peter to come, and we then learn of Peter's tremendous faith as he stepped out of the boat during the storm and walked on water as he kept his eyes focused on Jesus. However, Scripture also tells us that when Peter's focus changed to the crashing waves, the loud wind, and all of the frightening components of the storm, Peter became scared and began to sink. Instantly he cried out "Lord, save me!" Immediately, Jesus grabbed his hand, led him safely back to the boat and, instantly, the storm ended.
Scripture warns us that in this sin-filled world, we are all going to face physical storms as well as life storms. Sometimes, calls from our doctors, loved ones who are struggling, loss of employment, loss of a loved one, etc., can generate painful and emotional storms in our lives. But take heart knowing that you are never alone in any type of storm. The same Jesus that grabbed Peter's hand is with you and holding onto your hand as well, and He will help you through any storm that you are facing.
Have a wonderful week knowing that Jesus is bigger than any storm!
In His Love,
Mrs. Palka