“‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of Mine, you did for Me.” Matthew 25:40
A few days ago, my Kindergarten granddaughter, who is also my occasional car pool buddy, began our commute to school with this question:
“Nana, if I sell cider and donuts this weekend, will you buy some? Then I can give the money to the people in Florida!”
I honestly thought that hearing her articulate the development of her servant’s heart was going to make my own heart burst with joy!
Currently, it is now estimated that Hurricane Ian has caused property losses in the excess of $100 billion. Frequent articles and news reports share heartbreaking stories of people searching through the rubble that once served as their homes, trying to find anything that is salvageable.
One distraught woman shared, “Our whole street is destroyed. We don’t have a home. We don’t have a car. We don’t have anything. We have nothing left.” Rev. Craig Mathews of Englewood, FL said, “Yes, we are hurting. We are in pain. But God is protecting us. God is going to stand by us.”
Motivated by Scripture and our school theme of “Love is Everything We Need”, we see this horrific tragedy and view it as an opportunity to show God’s love to those who have suffered tremendous loss in Florida.
The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod’s Disaster Response is one of many organizations that immediately sent teams to Florida. Currently, they are setting up response stations, serving meals to those in need, providing shelter, and helping residents rebuild their lives.
One of the top priorities of St. Matthew Lutheran School is to provide our young disciples with opportunities to be the hands and feet of Jesus and help those who are in significant need. As a result, we have two ways in which we plan to raise funds for LCMS Disaster Response as they directly serve the hurricane victims.
Thrivent Financial is a non-profit organization that has a heart for servanthood and the Lord. Currently, they are willing to match $1 for every $2 donated to LCMS Disaster Response. Since the window of this opportunity is very short, St. Matthew Lutheran Church and School will host a Bake Sale on Friday, October 21st, during our school’s dismissal process as well as after church services on Sunday, October 23rd. With the assistance of Miss Toman’s fifth grade class, pans of the famous Mrs. Colby brownies as well as half loaves of cinnamon chip bread from the Commerce Great Harvest Bread Company will be available for a free will donation. Students will roll up carts to cars waiting in the parking lot, and for a free will donation, the driver will receive a pan of either brownies or cinnamon chip bread.
In addition, since the need is so great, this year’s Turkey Trot, which will be held on Friday, November 17th, is also designated to Hurricane Relief efforts. More information regarding our traditional Turkey Trot will be sent home in the near future.
It is our prayer that these two projects will be a HUGE blessing for those who are in need as we ask God to bless these efforts to “Spread SON-Shine Over Florida!"
Have so much fun letting the “Son” shine through your all of your efforts!
In Jesus’ Love,
Mrs. Palka