“For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16
Jack Johnson is an American singer/song writer who is known for his songs that range in the soft rock and acoustic genre. A few weeks ago, as I was getting my haircut, a Jack Johnson song played through the studio’s sound system. “I love Jack Johnson” I professed, to which my hair stylist replied, “I absolutely love Jack Johnson too! In fact, I have a great Jack Johnson story!"
She continued to tell me about a time when she and a girlfriend bought lawn tickets to a Jack Johnson concert at the DTE Music Theater. On the day of the concert, they were discussing their plans at work, when another co-worker overheard them and asked if he could join them. He checked the ticket availability and decided that he would just purchase his own lawn seat at the DTE box office when they arrived.
As a result, they decided that it would be best to arrive early to the show in the event that tickets would sell out. However, when they arrived at DTE, they made a wrong turn and ended up in a very secluded back parking lot, where they found Jack Johnson and his young child skateboarding.
Immediately, Jack Johnson waved at them, and before they knew it, he skated right up to their car. “Are you guys coming to tonight’s show?” he inquired. A little star struck, my stylist quickly explained their situation and the need to arrive early in hopes of purchasing another ticket. “I tell you what,” he responded. “Give me your name, and let me see what I can do. Go to the Box Office, and I’ll have a ticket waiting for your friend.”
Once they located the correct parking lot and arrived to the Box Office, my friend gave her name and was totally astounded when the agent handed her not one, but three front row tickets totally free of charge! The three of them didn’t pay for the tickets, didn’t deserve the front row tickets as they had only purchased two lawn seats, and yet they were given the best seats in the house!
This week is Holy Week, in which Christians around the world will remember the greatest love story ever told as we focus on Jesus’ journey to the cross. Just as my friend did not deserve seats in the front row, as sinners, we do not deserve the gift of forgiveness. Just as my friend didn’t pay for the tickets, there is nothing that we can do on our own to earn or pay for entrance into Heaven. And, just as my friend was given the best seats at DTE, through our faith in Jesus and His death and resurrection, we are guaranteed entrance into the best place ever, and that is the eternal glory of Heaven.
John 3:16 promises us that “For God so loved the world, that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life.”
This is the beauty of Easter and the foundation of our faith because we know that our Redeemer lives!
God’s richest blessings on your Easter celebrations, and know that because of Jesus’ death and resurrection, you are guaranteed the fabulous seats in Heaven!
He is risen, He is risen indeed!
Mrs. Palka