To God be the glory, great things He has done. Philippians 4:20
This is an extremely exciting week as the St. Matthew gym transforms into the Emerald City! As we prepare for this week's performance of The Wizard of Oz, I am reminded of an interesting perspective that a former Superintendent of Michigan Lutheran Schools shared many years ago. Once I heard his connections between the Wizard of Oz and Christian Education, it endeared this movie even more to my heart as he shared this analogy:
• Just as the Tin Man wanted a heart, our school encourages and provides opportunities for our students to have a heart to love and serve others.
• Just as the Cowardly Lion wanted courage, our school equips our students to be bold in sharing and defending their faith.
• Just as the Scarecrow wanted a brain, our school places a high value on rigorous academics and preparing our students to become adept and efficient 21st century learners.
• Just as Dorothy professed, “There’s no place like home”, our school provides a safe, nurturing, and loving environment that will become a second home to your family.
• And just as Dorothy’s mission was that she just wanted to go home, we want our students to know Jesus so that they will have eternal life in their heavenly home.
After Saturday night, this amazing Wizard of Oz experience will become a treasured memory. However, it is our prayer that your child’s academic experience at St. Matthew Lutheran School will fill be filled with transformational faith opportunities that will enhance his/her relationship with Jesus for a lifetime!
But for now... it is time to dust off and grab your ruby slippers as the Munchkins are encouraging us to “follow the yellow brick road” this weekend! Please join us as Dorothy and her friends lead us on an “OZ”-mazing journey to the Emerald City in search of brains, a heart, courage, and the desire to return to a loving home.
During your travels, please plan to stop by the “Emerald City Café” to enjoy tasty delicacies such as Tin Man heart pizza, Scarecrow’s straw pretzels, Dorothy’s ruby slipper cookies, Wicked Witch cupcakes, Lollipop Kids’ lollipops, and various other treats.
In addition, we will sell Yellow Brick Treasure Bars! Each night, 20 pieces of various forms of treasure will be hidden inside the chocolate bar wrappers, so come and see if you can locate an exciting prize - including a pool party for your class at Mrs. Palka’s house!
Due to our recent Art teacher vacancy, we will not host a formal Art Show this year. However, our spring Book Fair will be open on Friday and Saturday evenings.
So... it’s time to click your heels together three times and say “There’s No Place Like God’s Home!"
In His Love,
Mrs. Palka