"LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!" Psalm 8:9
Have you ever experienced a very unexpected “slice of awe and amazement” from God? Maybe it occurred for you during the birth of a child or viewing breathtaking scenery of a particular location for the very first time? Perhaps for you, it even occurred last Monday during the solar eclipse?
One of my most recent “Majestic God Moments” occurred just a few weeks ago on Easter Sunday when an opportunity opened for my daughter and I to travel to Florida for a few days. Being there on Easter Sunday warranted us to search for a church, so we had the idea to look to see if there were any churches that worshipped on the actual beach. Much to our delight, we were able to locate a church named “Beachside” that was hosting an “Easter Sunrise Service” on the actual beach.
Ignorantly, we assumed that we would be attending a small local church service and thought that we would be among a handful of visitors. Imagine our shock when we pulled up and discovered that locating an available parking spot would be nearly impossible as more than 1000 people crowded the beach in the area where the temporary stage had been assembled. As people continued to arrive by foot, bike, golf cart, etc., our hearts were so touched by such an awesome gathering of believers. However, the most powerful slice of “awe and amazement” occurred as we were singing “Jesus Christ Has Risen Today”. God gave us the most spectacular sunrise! At the conclusion of the service, the pastor led us in prayer that the joy of Easter and Jesus’ resurrection would transform their city; there is something extremely powerful about hearing over 1000 voices conclude that prayer with a resounding “AMEN!”
The Holy Spirit works powerfully when a gathering of believers prays to our Heavenly Father!
Scripture instructs us in 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 to “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”
As parents, one of the most powerful avenues that we can utilize for our children is the avenue of prayer. During the act of prayer, not only can we lift petitions of praise and adoration to our Heavenly Father, but also words of confession as well as requests for ourselves and others. Through prayer, we stay connected to God, relying on Him to guide us.
As a result, starting tomorrow, we are enhancing our Parent Coffee Hour by adding a new element of praying over our school. Guided by prayer requests from teachers and parents, we will ask parents who are still in attendance at 8:30 a.m. to join Mrs. Lancaster and me as we pray over our school and the students entrusted into our care.
Please consider joining us for this "Parents in Prayer" opportunity.
In Jesus' Love,
Mrs. Palka