For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." Ephesians 2:10

Dear Parents,

As I write this newsletter, I never imagined it would be from the Newark NJ Airport! But, as always, God has been showing us His faithfulness and reminding us that He is always in control!

The theme of this year has been "We Are the Fingerprints of God", and this school year we have truly seen God's fingerprints all over the entire calendar. Thank you so much for your unconditional support. Your encouragement and dedication to our ministry means so much!

To our precious 8th graders, what an amazing lesson regarding God's faithfulness you just had the opportunity to experience! God's richest blessings as you begin a new chapter in your academic journey! After just spending four entire days with you in New York City, it is so apparent that God has equipped and prepared you to do great things for His Kingdom.

Just remember, you are His fingerprints! So, go and share His love with others!

With Much Love and Appreciation,

The Staff of St. Matthew Lutheran School

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