Nothing gets your attention more than someone calling your name! 

When I was younger and I heard “Susan Elizabeth McCreadie”… I knew my mother was not happy with me! When I am at Target and I hear “Mrs. Palka?”…I know that someone has recognized me. And last Sunday, as I participated in the Detroit Free Press Half Marathon as a member of Team World Vision, and heard “Go Sue”, “You can do this Sue”, “You’ve got this, Sue”, I knew that someone was supporting and encouraging me! 

When the alarm went off at 5:00 a.m. last Sunday morning, various emotions immediately awoke with me. In my thoughts, excitement was battling with nervousness, as anxiety competed to overtake both of them as I prepared to walk the Free Press Half Marathon.  

This year, my husband was forced to pull out of this event due to residual affects from last February’s broken leg, but my daughter was kind enough to jump in as “tribute” and serve as my walking partner in his place. 

As all 152 Detroit Team World Vision members gathered together before the race in their matching bright orange jerseys, one of the leaders led a touching devotion that was based on Romans 12:12, which states, “Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” She also reminded us to not lose sight of the reason we were there at the marathon and that every mile had a child’s name. After singing an extremely touching worship song and praying for the Lord to be with us during each step of this approaching journey, the entire team walked together to the starting line. 

With 25,000 participants lined up by marathon/half marathon entry speeds, it took almost 30 minutes before my daughter and I arrived at the actual starting line. My heart raced as the announcer started the countdown, and as soon as he shouted, “GO”, the journey began. 

With adrenalin racing through our bodies, we followed the sea of people toward the Ambassador Bridge, with everyone moving at their own respectful speeds. However, one of the most endearing aspects of this race is the spectators! People line the streets of Detroit and Windsor for hours, and seeing the names printed on each race bib, they spend their entire morning shouting out names and words of encouragement to total strangers! Some hold up encouraging signs like “You Can Do This”, while others hold up funny signs such as “This is the Worst Parade I’ve Ever Seen!” 

However, what will motivate and touch your heart even more is when you recognize the face of someone calling out your name. Coming out of the Windsor tunnel, my daughter and I knew that we had eight miles behind us, but we still had five more miles to go. What a joy it was to come around a curve and see Mr. Czinder and Mrs. Lancaster with other World Vision Members ringing cowbells, jumping up and down, and cheering our names! Renewed with a new sense of joy and enthusiasm, we pushed on. Our next exciting visitor sighting occurred around mile 11, where we found Mr. and Mrs. Heiden waiting and cheering for us; it was a perfect boost of encouragement to keep us going! However, knowing that our family was waiting for us at the finish line, and hearing them scream our names and wave signs as we passed them, was absolutely exhilarating and provided that final push to finish strong! 

Scripture states in Isaiah 43:1 “I have called you by name, you are mine.” As exciting and motivating as it was to hear others call our names, it is even more important to know that the Lord knows us by name. God tells us that we are His precious children and that He loves us dearly. Just as those spectators were calling out our names and cheering, the Lord does that for each of us on a daily basis! Every day, know that the Lord is standing close to you, encouraging you, supporting you, and calling out your name in love as He cheers for you. 

Have a wonderful week knowing that Jesus is your biggest fan. He is always there calling out your name and cheering you on to do your best and glorify Him in the process! 

In His Love, 

Mrs. Palka 

P.S. A "My God Can" Update... This year, the St. Matthew World Vision Team had an ambitious goal to raise $60,000, which translates to helping 1,200 children obtain clean water. As of today, it thrills our hearts to announce that God blessed this team's efforts and they have currently raised $60,120.00! Our God is so good and we give Him all the glory!

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