
Tenth Annual St. Matthew Turkey Trot is... Friday, Nov. 13th!

Help Others "Step" Closer To Jesus by Partnering with Soles4Souls
"Whatever you do for the least of these, you do unto Me."  Matthew 25:40
How often do you list shoes when you count your blessings? If I asked you to count how many pairs of shoes you own, how many could you count? For many of us, shoes are a common blessing that we tend to forget about. However, for those experiencing substantial financial need, new shoes are a luxury.

Are Your Feet on Fire for this Year's Turkey Trot?

My dad was the youngest of nine children. After hearing stories of his childhood antics, I am sure his behavior helped my grandparents come to the conclusion that nine was enough and "Billy" was meant to be the grand finale! Often, he would entertain my sisters and me with stories about his childhood. However, of all of his stories that used to shock and/or amuse us, his story about his new shoes was always the one that we would often beg to "Tell us again!"

The Most Important "Key" Element!

"Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."      John 14:6
For years, we told my oldest son, Josh, that we would celebrate the conclusion of his five years of residency with a family trip during the summer of 2020. Although the COVID-19 pandemic altered many of our plans, we were still able to all gather in one destination, but it required numerous car rentals to get each member of the family from the state that they currently reside to our vacation location.

Strangers in the Night!

"He who watches over you will neither slumber nor sleep." Psalm 121:4     Many years ago, I received a text from my husband that stated, "Wait until you see what I bought you! It is absolutely amazing, and you are going to LOVE it!" Messages like this do not happen very often, so I was kind of excited when I saw the headlights of his car pull up into our driveway. Bursting into the house and calling my name with great intensity, I met him in the kitchen where he was very proudly holding up a new vacuum cleaner! "Isn't it a beauty?" he asked with tremendous endearment in his eyes.

To God be the Glory!

"Whatever you do, work at it with all of your heart as working for the Lord and not for men."  Colossians 3:23
Have you ever entered an event that involved crossing a finish line? If you, so know that great excitement of working diligently at something and finally seeing the finish line, knowing that completion is within reach.

While We are Waiting, God is Working!

NLSA Validation Team Arrives October 5 - 7! 

Whatever you do, work at it with all of your heart as working for the Lord and not for men." Colossians 3:23

Are you the type of person that enjoys riding roller coasters or do you get squeamish just saying the word?  My husband and I love roller coasters! As we became parents, we were thrilled to learn that this was something that was genetically passed down to our first two children.

What A Difference A Year Can Make!

"Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of heavenly lights." James 1:9

Last Saturday was an extremely joyous day in the Palka family. Not only was it a beautiful and crisp fall day, but it was also my grandson's first birthday! Every birthday party is a joyous event, but for this little guy, his birthday cake just seemed to taste a little sweeter this year as we reminisced how his journey began.


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