"We love because He first loved us." 1 John 4:19
Did you know that nearly 1,000 children under age 5 die every day from illnesses caused by contaminated water, poor sanitation, and improper hygiene? Even though this is such an overwhelming and staggering statistic, Mr. Czinder is "dreaming small" in regards to helping reduce this tragedy by running in the Detroit Marathon as a member of the World Vision "Clean Water" Team.
On October 20, 2018, Mr. Czinder will join over 100 World Vision teammates to run 26.2 miles through the streets of Detroit. Every dollar that Mr. Czinder raises will help children in remote parts of Africa gain access to clean water.
As a school, we want to support and partner with Mr. Czinder with this endeavor. On Thursday, September 20th, our 7th grade will host a Bake Sale entitled, "Dream Small And Run With A Big Vision". Throughout the entire day, there will be delicious treats for sale in the lobby, and all proceeds raised from this event will be given towards Mr. Czinder's sponsorship of World Vision's Water Relief. Every $50 raised allows one person to have access to clean water. Mr. Czinder has established a goal of $5,000 or helping 100 children receive the gift of clean water. He's already reached half of this goal!
So come and purchase some "dreamy" treats and bless children with the gift of clean water in the process!
We hope to see you next Thursday at the Bake Sale!
In Jesus' love,
Mrs. Palka