Eighth Grade Advanced Literature Class Becomes Published Authors!
A few weeks ago, the Superintendent of MI Lutheran Schools, Mr. Travis Grulke, invited middle school students throughout the state of Michigan to write a devotional thought for the MI District Blog. He also announced that those who were selected would be published during Lutheran Schools Week.
Our 8th grade Advanced Literature class accepted the challenge and wrote a beautiful reflection entitled, "Pray and Trust". Their devotional thought was selected and published last Friday. It is such a powerful testament of their faith that we want to share it with all of our school families as well:
"God is our refuge and our strength, an ever-present help in trouble" (Psalm 46:1)
All throughout history, people have used this verse to remember that God is their strength, and they can take refuge in Him. If you trust in God, there is always a way to face and overcome an issue. Whether the issue is something small, such as losing a homework assignment or a major disease, God will help you through.
Trusting in God might seem like a hard task, but God has given us amazing tools, such as prayer, to help make that task a bit easier. Sometimes, it might seem like He isn't there if events are not going the way you want, but God is always there, no matter the struggle. God prevails over it all. When you pray, the answer might not be what you want it to be, or what you were expecting. However, everything happens according to God's perfect plan.
When something isn't going your way, trust in God and remember that He is always working for the best in a situation. God does everything in His own wisdom and time. Every battle is won, not by men or the army, but by the great power of God.
Psalm 46 also shows that God is always in control. In this chapter, He is giving advice to the people reading His Word, saying that, if they put their trust in Him, as the Israelites had done, with God, there is no reason to fear troubles, death, or evil.
PRAYER - Dear God, Thank you so much for being the real, present God in our lives. You help us celebrate our triumphs and lift us up out of our sorrows. No matter the circumstance, you are always right by our sides. Please help us always remember that you will be our rock, the perfect God to lean on in troubles, and celebrate with us during the amazing times in our lives. Thank You for being with us in every moment. In Your most holy name we pray. Amen.
For more encouraging Bible verses, read:
Psalm 145:18
Psalm 62:7-8
Psalm 9:9
Psalm 91:1-9
- Devotion written by Abby Terrasi, Carson Millspaugh, Luca Cottone, Maddie Tinskey, Owen Novak, Sam Lahue, and Tyler Wolstone, grade 8, St. Matthew Lutheran School, Walled Lake
Every once in a while, you may have someone inquire or you may wrestle with the question, "Why does your child attend St. Matthew?" As you read this devotional thought and hear these students profess their faith, I hope it will reinforce your decision to send your children to our school and recognize the eternal benefits that result as we partner with you and the Holy Spirit in nurturing your child's faith development.
As St. Matthew, we strongly believe that Christ belongs in school, and we are so grateful that you are a part of our St. Matthew family.
In Jesus,
Mrs. Palka