"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16
I have one of the greatest jobs ever! Where else can you work and receive so much unconditional love and entertainment all in one day? I honestly should write a book containing all of the humorous and endearing comments that are shared with me on a daily basis. If I would ever take time to collect these precious statements, the following conversation, which occurred approximately seven years ago, would definitely be included in my collection of favorites:
Young Male Kindergarten Student: "I like your sweater vest, Mrs. Palka.
Mrs. Palka: "Oh, thank you!"
Young Male Kindergarten Student: "You're welcome. My grandpa has one just like it!"
I absolutely treasure how young children can be so uninhibited and freely express their hearts and their thoughts. A few days later, that same child told me, "Mrs. Palka... if you were a big Oreo cookie, I would just gobble you up!"
I know that from a five year old's perspective, both of these statements were intended with sweet affection (although... the first statement did precipitate a shopping trip!)
Valentine's Day is designed to express sweet sentiments to those we love but EVERY DAY is a gift from God, filled with an assortment of "love taps" that express love in a variety of ways! I am sure that every parent in this school could make a list of endearing or humorous "love taps" or comments that his/her child has expressed over the past week. However, if we are too busy being preoccupied with distracting thoughts that occur from work, stress, deadlines, etc., we will miss them or not appreciate the beauty or affection that they are intending to express.
Have a wonderful Valentine's Day and have so much fun looking for the "love taps" of each day!
In His love,
Mrs. Palka