"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has gone and the new has come." 2 Corinthians 5:17
It started out so simple... Ken's brother, who is a painter, shared with us last week that he had some open days... so let's repaint one of the kids' bedrooms?
Have you ever had a project that started out small but in the blink of an eye evolved into a huge "Extreme Home Make-Over" endeavor?
As soon as I started clearing out the childhood lime green bedroom that was destined to be repainted, it was as if I was living my own personal version of "If You Give A Mouse A Cookie". One thing just seemed to lead to another and before I knew it... one bedroom lead to the other bedroom... which lead to the bathroom... which lead to new light fixtures... which led to hiring an electrician... which led to purchasing all new and matching hardware in the bathroom... which lead to a new shower curtain...etc., etc.! In a matter of a few short days, we have experienced an abundance of much needed, yet unexpected, home renovations and improvements!
As I was working to clean out all of the "junk" that had accumulated in these rooms over the years, I was reminded of the "extreme make-over" that our Savior gave to each of us. Due to sin, we are also in a rundown and broken state. We are stained with the filth of our transgressions and in desperate need of repair. However, Jesus provided the ultimate "extreme make-over" when He went to the cross to take away all of our accumulated "junk" and sins. Motivated by love, Jesus endured the pain and suffering of death on the cross for everyone! Through Him, we are a new and beautiful creation!
Enjoy your week, knowing that you are a product of the Master Designer!
In His love,
Mrs. Palka