"Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights." - James 1:17
There are some things that are just very exciting to announce! This list could include: losing a tooth, obtaining a driver's license, a graduation, a first job, an engagement, etc. But one of my favorite announcements is sharing that a new baby is coming!
A couple of months ago, I was over at my son and daughter-in-law's house playing with my granddaughter when my daughter-in-law handed me an envelope and said, "I forgot to give you Emilia's school pictures. Look through them because they are pretty cute!"
As I began flipping through them, I thought... "Oh that's a sweet one of her standing... Oh that's an adorable close up... That's a cute one with some stuffed animals.... Oh that's weird...why did she put her ultrasound picture in here???... Oh that's a cute one of her sitting...WAIT A MINUTE... Ultrasound picture? "WHOSE ULTRASOUND PHOTO IS THIS?" I asked.
And with that, my kids said, "Surprise, Nani... there's another Baby Palka coming in September!"
And when all of the hysteria finally calmed down, the dreaded words were spoken again... "Now you have to keep this quiet because we want to wait before we tell people." For extremely excited grandmas... these words are absolute TORTURE! However, now that they have told their friends, family and employers, I have the extreme joy of sharing this good news with my St. Matthew family. To add to the excitement... we also just learned that IT'S A BOY!
Baby announcements are so exciting! Last week, our 5th through 8th graders also experienced the great joy as they had the opportunity to share the most important baby announcement, and that was the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus. Through the endearing play, "The Best Christmas Pageant EVER", our students were able to take us back to Bethlehem during the month of May, and remind us of how much God loves us that He would send His one and only Son to be our Savior.
We want to thank Mr. Topel, Mr. Czinder, and all of the parents and staff members who contributed in significant ways to the success of this production. Your efforts gave our students such a fantastic memory and opportunity, and we are extremely grateful for your role in this journey.
However, despite the fact that the stage has been cleared and all of the props and costumes have been packed away, may the joy of this extremely important message continue to stay with us throughout the entire year. And just as we are so excited to share the news about the arrival of new babies, may we be even more passionate to tell others about Baby Jesus!
In His love,
Mrs. Palka