"He who watches over you will neither slumber nor sleep." Psalm 121:4
Have you ever experienced a situation that sounded like a great idea in the beginning, but midway through... you start to question your judgment?
Visiting Alaska has always been a dream, and at the end of this June, Ken and I are extremely blessed that the Lord is opening this door and enabling us to go. However, one major part of the itinerary for this trip is numerous days of hiking.
Last Monday, Ken in his wisdom announced his grand idea! He felt that we really need to get our new hiking boots broken in... so what better way than to walk the 8 mile path around Kensington Park!
If you recall, Monday was a magnificent day! The sun was shining and the temperature was absolutely perfect for walking. However, the only uncooperative factor was the brand new boots!
For the first two miles, everything was great! My legs were noticing the hills but nothing that caused a problem. However, somewhere along mile four, things began to dramatically change. My right boot was no longer as comfortable as it was at the start of the walk, and I could feel a blister start to form. The upward hills were becoming a little more challenging, and our pace was not as vigorous as it was at the start of the walk. As the journey continued, we rejoiced when the path led us in a downward motion but noticed both of us were expressing a few odd grunting noises as we were walking during upward inclines. In addition, despite the moderate temperature, I was aware that both of us were starting to sweat profusely!
As we were walking, we started talking about the similarities of this little hike and our journey on earth. There will be times that life is grand, and we are enjoying the easy stroll. But then challenges appear, and it's hard getting through that particular part of the path. And like the blister, there will be times when there is also pain in the journey.
And then, as if on perfect cue, a dad and his daughter passed us on their bikes right as we were all facing a significant incline. The girl cried out to her dad, "I can't do this." The father quickly replied, "Sure you can, I'll help you." He then immediately rode beside her and put his hand on her back and helped push her and give her the momentum that she needed to get up the hill. I looked at Ken and said, "There it is!" Just when we think we can't conquer a significant challenge, God is right there saying "Sure you can! I'll help you!"
Throughout your journey this week, find peace in knowing that through every part of your journey... your Heavenly Father is always there to help you!
In His love,
Mrs. Palka