"But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently." Romans 8:25
Have you ever had to patiently wait for something? Perhaps it's a child getting ready for school in the morning, or a furniture delivery that was scheduled between the hours of 9 a.m. and 9 p.m. Sometimes, it may be waiting to hear about a job, or trying to call your Internet provider and being placed on hold. For many of us living in the Walled Lake area, it could be waiting for construction to end and the intersection of Novi Road and Twelve Mile finally opening!
For the past nine months, the Palka's have been patiently waiting for the arrival of our new grandson, otherwise known as "Baby Brother" by his two-year-old big sister.
This time, my role has changed from the anxious cheerleader in the hospital waiting room to now taking care of Emilia while mommy and daddy go to the hospital to get this baby brother everyone keeps talking about.
This is a very important role, as mom and dad can't leave for the hospital until the babysitter arrives, so it is imperative that I cannot miss this phone call! As a result of my new stressful position, my phone is always on me with the ringer on and every time it dings I jump ten feet. However, so far, every time my phone goes off late at night, it's a false alarm! I love jumping out of bed at midnight when the phone rings, ready to play "Nana To The Rescue", only to find a text message from another child asking, "How long can you eat chicken after it's been cooked?"
Waiting is not easy! Last week during my sixth grade religion class, we were discussing Noah and his amazing patience during the 100 years it took to construct the Ark. Talk about a faithful example of patience! There is a famous quote that states, "Patience is not simply the ability to wait; it's also how we behave while we are waiting." During periods of waiting, God uses this time to draw us closer to Him, and we can do this through reading Scripture and prayer. God is also constantly working while we are waiting. He sees a much bigger picture, and He always knows what is best for each of us.
God's timing is perfect because He is perfect! Our job is to just trust Him.
Have a wonderful week knowing that He's got you!
In His Love,
Mrs. Palka