For the past twenty-three years, my children have provided me with a wealth of writing material for my weekly devotionals. However, now that they are older, it is even more enjoyable when they even realize that their own antics or bizarre experiences would make a great correlation to a Biblical truth! Last week, I knew it was going to be an entertaining story when my daughter's text message started out with the words, "Have I got a great newsletter story for you!" Thus...enjoy and see if you can relate...
It was one of those mornings when the snooze alarm was hit one too many times, so my daughter was already running a little behind getting to work on time. After running down four flights of stairs to get out of her apartment building, she remembered that she had forgotten to take her allergy medication. Realizing that she would be miserable for the entire day without the medication, she decided it was worth the risk to take a few extra minutes to race back up the steps and take the medication.
In her fury to try and complete this task as quickly as possible, she could not locate her apartment keys in her backpack. Rather than take more time to search for the keys and knowing her roommate was up, she knocked on the apartment door. The lack of response and panic of being late eventually intensified her knock to a forceful pound. As the clock continued to tick and her adrenaline continued to rise, she decided to call the roommate while simultaneously bang on the door. Finally, the door opened! Just before she was about to race into the apartment, the appearance of a strange and unfamiliar woman standing in the doorway of the apartment stopped her dead in her tracks. In addition, at that moment, she noticed that the number on the door proclaimed "3B" and not her apartment number of "4B". As a result, she quickly realized that she was trying to go through the wrong door!
During our earthly life, there will be many "doors" of opportunity waiting for each of us. Just as my daughter was going to need the right key to go through the correct door, God knew that we needed a Savior to provide us with entry into Heaven. As a result, He sent His Son, Jesus, and faith in Him is the only key that will gain access to eternal life.
This story of my daughter's surprise meeting with her neighbor also reminds me of the bible verse from Revelations 3:20 where Jesus says "Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me." Jesus wants to spend time with you this Advent season so open the door and let him in. As we prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus, may God give you special time each day to study His word and realize just how much He loves you.
Happy Advent!
In Jesus' Love,
Mrs. Palka