"But seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added onto you as well." Luke 18:30
As a mom of three children, I have received a great number of treasured gifts that my children have made and given to me over the years. I still have a 22 year-old ceramic tile jewelry box made by my son in first grade that sits on my dresser and continues to lose a few pieces of tile each year. I have an angel ornament on our tree that was made many years ago in Preschool by my daughter that still has a ton of glitter on its halo. I have a glazed piece of pottery on my night stand that has "I love you" carved in the bottom, and I also have a hand-drawn and framed picture that my daughter painted of the two of us where we both have our arms and legs coming out of our heads!
As my children grew older, the gifts became a little more unique. Years ago, my son gave me his most treasured Pokémon card (but asked for it back once I opened it!). During an infomercial phase, I was given the "Perfect Pancake" maker, but after numerous attempts, we determined those commercials were false advertising. I have received earrings that were also mysteriously on my daughter's Christmas List and then she quickly asked to borrow. However, there was one gift from my middle son that will always remain one of my most treasured and endearing memories from his gift giving.
During the days that led up to Christmas many years ago, my then 19 year old son kept hinting how much I was going to love his gift and how he even amazed himself that year with his creativity. When the big moment arrived for me to open his gift, he ran and retrieved a large envelope. Not knowing exactly what to expect from this child, I cautiously opened the envelope. Not able to restrain his excitement any longer, he announced "We're going dancing!" as I pulled out a certificate for "One Evening of Ballroom Dance Lessons" out of the envelope. He then explained, "For all the times that you tried to teach me different steps in the kitchen, I thought we should go and finally learn the right way to do this!"
He then described the various package options that the studio owner offered, but he quickly determined that on his college budget, we were going to need to be fast learners! The entire time that I was listening to him, I was thinking, "Who cares if we don't even go... just the fact that you entertained the idea to go dancing with your mom is a treasured gift to me!"
We just enjoyed giving gifts that expressed love a few weeks ago at Christmas; as Christians, our Heavenly Father frequently showers us with treasured gifts! In fact, each day brings numerous blessings that remind us of His great love for us.
As we enter into 2020, may this be a year where we passionately look for ways to share these gifts with others who don't know Jesus as we strive to expand His Kingdom and populate Heaven.
Looking forward to dancing into this New Year with all of you and creating treasured memories where we can ... "let the Whole World See the Greatness of our God!"
Happy New Year!
In Jesus' Love,
Mrs. Palka