A "Wise" Tale About Our Amazing God!

"My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth. Indeed, He who watches over you will neither slumber nor sleep."  Psalm 121:1 

Have you ever had a minor nuisance develop into a major problem?  Perhaps it started out as a small leak, or a peculiar noise when you started the car, or an occasional animal/insect sighting in the garden? 

For the past few weeks, I've noticed an occasional pain in the left side of my jaw. Assuming that perhaps I was grinding my teeth while I slept, I just wrote it off as a result of perhaps a little stress relating to the start of school.  However, when a small and odd lump appeared, I knew I needed to schedule an appointment with my dentist. 

So yesterday, during my lunch period, my kind local dentist squeezed me in for a quick examination. After a lot of "hmmmmms", "ahhhhhhs", and an occasional "that's weird", he asked "Did you ever have your wisdom teeth extracted?" Even though it occurred forty years ago, an immediate flashback of pain and swollen chipmunk cheeks flooded my mind as I replied, "I sure did!  All four at once!" He replied, "Every once in a while, some people can have a small fifth wisdom tooth hiding up in their gums, and I think that's what's going on. A quick x-ray confirmed his suspicions. As he showed me the x-ray, he was almost excited when he said, "Well, look at that cute little baby wisdom tooth hiding up there! OK... let's pull it out!" 
"Wait... What?" I thought. "I have many items on my "To-Do" list for today, and a tooth extraction is not one of them!"

Now, you need to know, as a person, my dentist is a wonderful man. However, I have serious childhood trauma from going to the dentist that still haunts me to this day, and the "fight or flight" battle in my brain was kicking into high gear as I was making immediate plans to run. Trying to give every excuse why I needed to reschedule this procedure, my dentist convinced me that he knows me too well.  "Sue, you know and I know that you're going to get too busy at school to reschedule. You're already here so let's just get this done."
Finally, I conceded, and he extracted the last amount of wisdom that I had!
Sometimes, God works in unexpected ways!
As we have begun this unprecedented school year, we have watched God show up in so many wonderful and yet unexpected ways!  From the arrival of 18 hand sanitizing stations and Plexiglas shields, to four available tents for outdoor lunches and classrooms, to the arrival of three brand new Novi Share Time teachers, we stand in awe of God's perfect timing and plans.
In addition, we have also seen God work through your children and through you! Thank you for your tremendous support in following all established protocols to keep our students and our staff safe. Please know that your children are also doing an amazing job regarding wearing their masks and following all cleaning and hygiene protocols, as well as for remembering to socially distance!  It has been an absolute joy watching everything come together! God reminds us in Matthew 19:26 "With God, all things are possible." It has been so much fun watching God at work, reminding us that "There Are No Impossibles with Him!
Have a wonderful week knowing that He is in control!
In Jesus,
Mrs. Palka

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