"The Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many."
Matthew 20:28
With everything currently transpiring in our country, if there ever was a time for Christian education, it's now... and at St. Matthew Lutheran School, we believe that Christ belongs in school!
Next week, St. Matthew Lutheran School will join over 2,100 Lutheran schools around the United States to celebrate "National Lutheran Schools Week"! During this enjoyable week of school spirit, we want to celebrate and give thanks for the gift of Christian education.
The COVID pandemic may require a few changes, but it won't stop our celebration! As a result, the festivities will still occur... but they just will look a little different.
This year, we are designing our Lutheran Schools Week Extravaganza with a Wacky Winter Olympic theme. Opening Ceremonies are scheduled to start on Monday, January 25th, at 8:25 a.m.
Listed below are the events that our Student Council has planned (please note: blue jean are allowed on Monday, Thursday, and Friday):
Monday, Jan. 25 - Winter Olympics Opening Ceremony
Favorite Country Day - Every Student Needs Snow Gear On This Day!
- Each Olympic Games begins with a parade of countries! What is your favorite country? Wear something that represents that country!
- Morning "Open Ceremonies" will begin with an ice carving demonstration from Clear Cut Ice Sculptures! What will our guest carve for us? You will have to wait and see! A hot chocolate treat will be served after each class comes inside from viewing the carving.
- Recess Olympic Games if weather permits
- "Shovel Out Hunger" Servant Project meal will be delivered today to the NOAH Homeless Shelter in Detroit
Tuesday, Jan. 26th - PJ/Movie Day
- All Olympic athletes need a day of rest! Come in your pajamas, and every classroom will select their own movie option.
- Popcorn provided to every student from Detroit Popcorn Company
Wednesday, Jan. 27th - School Spirit/Wear A Symbol of Your Faith Day
- Every Christian athlete knows that their gifts and talents are gifts from God and cling to the promise "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."
- Show your school spirit and faith by wearing St. Matthew attire and/or a symbol of your faith.
- Afternoon virtual assembly with Mr. Guy Lewis who will will help us learn and appreciate other cultures from around the world with his "World Instruments and Music" assembly.
Thursday, Jan. 28th - Crazy/Wacky Hair & Crazy/Wacky Wear
- Today we are focusing on the "Wacky" portion of the "Wacky Olympics" so today is Crazy/Wacky Day so wear your craziest outfit and hair style!
- "Wacky Science" Virtual Assembly with Mr. Doug Scheer
- Crazy Recess fun if weather permits
Friday, Jan. 29th - Decades Day
- What is your favorite era? Come dressed in attire of your favorite decade.
- We conclude our Wacky Olympic Lutheran Schools Week with a closing ceremony focusing on peace. To accomplish this task, we will host an afternoon virtual assembly with Mr. Peace.
- To add to the joy of the closing ceremonies, students will enjoy a special treat.
We look forward to an exciting week of thanking God for our school!
In Jesus' Love,
Mrs. Palka