To celebrate National Lutheran Schools Week, the Michigan District of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod put out an appeal for devotional writers from Michigan Lutheran schools across the state so that they could post these spiritual inspirations on their blog for many to read. Mrs. Kurien's first grade class eagerly answered this challenge and collectively wrote a devotional to submit. Last Tuesday, they became published authors as the MI District shared their writing on the MI District website. The following devotional thought was written collectively by the first grade class and compiled by Mrs Rebekah Kurien:
"We love because He first loved us."
- 1John 4:9
Why do we want to help others? It starts with what God has done for us. God gives us life on earth, and He made us. He sent His Son to die on the cross for us. He takes away our sins. He protects us from evil. God is powerful and perfect! He will be with us always. He gives us eternal life. He gives us our families that love us. He forgives us when we sin. He loves us even when we make bad choices. He is always there for us.
So because He loves us so much, we want to help others. We want to tell them about God. We want to read the Bible and let others know the Bible helps everyone. So today, remember how much God loves you and share His love with someone else by being kind and helping them!
What an endearing testimony of the faith development of these six and seven year olds and a powerful reminder of what's different about our school. When you select to send your child to St. Matthew, not only do we strive to provide your child with an exemplary academic experience, but in addition, your child's spiritual development is also be one of our top priorities. By partnering with the Holy Spirit as well as parents, each child's faith walk is cultivated and nurtured on a daily basis as he/she grows to become a lifelong follower of Jesus.
As we conclude the celebration of Lutheran Schools Week, we thank and praise God for our school and your partnership in nurturing the young disciples entrusted into our care.
In His Love,
Mrs. Palka