Join Us March 20th for Donuts with Pastors in Back Parking Lot!
I distinctly remember dozing off on the couch the night of March 12, 2020, and waking up around 11:00 p.m. to see Governor Whitmer on the television announcing that all Michigan schools would be closed starting March 16, 2020. As a staff, we had been preparing for an online virtual format in the event that it was going to be necessary, but now it was "Go Time" to quickly implement all of those strategies and plans.
In my head, I honestly thought we would be back to school in approximately two weeks as I was waving "good bye" to everyone during our end of the day dismissal process on March 13th. It wasn't until someone yelled, "Have A Happy Easter", which wasn't occurring until April 12th, that the reality hit me that this closure might take longer than I thought, and I instantly burst into tears as I realized the potential length of this good bye.
Boy, did I ever misjudge the length of that initial shutdown!
As we are approaching the one year anniversary of the initial COVID shutdown, our minds may instantly reflect upon precious people that we have lost or activities that needed to stop or change as a result of this year's pandemic. However, COVID can't and won't stop Easter! Jesus is still victorious and remains on His throne in Heaven!
As a result, we are planning a COVID friendly "Resurrection Celebration"! Please join us on Saturday, March 20 at 9:00 a.m. in the back parking lot for "Donuts With Pastors: The Easter Edition!" During this event, while families remain safely in their cars, an Easter themed celebration will include crafts, games, and stories shared by our St. Matthew Ministry Team. Back by popular demand - everyone will receive a bag of fresh hot donuts from the Detroit Mini Food Truck!
To sign up for this delicious event, please click HERE.
Scripture promises in Hebrews 13:8 that "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday as today and tomorrow." Our daily circumstances and situations may change, but nothing will stop or change our God!
In His Love,
Mrs. Palka