“I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in Me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing.”
John 15:15
During the week of January 22 - 26, St. Matthew Lutheran School will join Lutheran Schools around the country to celebrate "National Lutheran Schools Week".
Our Student Council is working diligently to create an exciting week of celebrating and thanking God for our school and the gift of Christian education. Listed below is a brief schedule for the week:
Sunday, January 21st:
All Students sing in church at the 11:00 a.m. service. Please arrive by 10:45 a.m. in the gym to warm up our voices
Restructuring of Family Outreach Project due to Detroit Lions Playoff Game!
• Please stay after church and enjoy a pizza lunch in the basement while we set up
• At 12:30 - Families will then proceed back to the gym to make 300 lunches for the NOAH Warming Center located in Detroit.
• This activity should be completed by 2:00 p.m. so that everyone can enjoy the game!
• Since we changed the details of this event, please Re-sign up here if you are able to help. To sign up, please click HERE
Monday, January 22nd:
Anything But A Backpack Day!
Time to get creative and select the most unique object to use for your backpack! Classrooms will vote for their classroom's most creative backpack!
Faith Family Olympics
Each Faith Family is to wear the following colors:
• Mrs. Rohman - Yellow
• Mrs. Osbron - Purple
• Mrs. Kurien - Orange
• Mrs. Geary - Royal Blue
• Mrs. Topel - Green
• Miss Scheiwe - Red
• Miss Toman - Light Blue
• Mrs. Wagg - Pink
• Mrs. Weston - Brown
• Mr. Topel - White
• Mrs. Lancaster/Mrs. Rupe - Navy
• Mrs. Palka - Black
During the morning, we will host Faith Family Olympic Games as designed by our Faith Family Committee!
Tuesday, January 23rd
Twin Day!
Teachers will partner up students in their classes. The two students will discuss and plan how they will dress up to show up as twins on this day.
Howell Nature Center presentation
Wednesday, January 24th
Wear A Symbol of Your Faith
Mad Science Assembly
Thursday, January 25th
Wacky Hair/Wacky Wear Day!
Have fun putting together your craziest hairstyle and wardrobe!
Kings Yomen” Yo Yo Assembly
Friday, January 26th
Favorite Sports Team Day!
Wear attire displaying your favorite sports team!
All School Field Trip to Urban Air!
The cost of each student attending is $10. St. Matthew will cover remaining expenses. Please note that reservations for this field trip only include St. Matthew students. Siblings that are not enrolled students of St. Matthew will not be permitted to attend.
All students attending must complete a Permission Slip and an Urban Air Waiver. All documents must be completed and the Permission slip returned to St. Matthew by Wednesday, January 24th.
• Preschool and Kindergarten utilizing parents for transportation
• Grades 1 - 8 riding buses: Board buses at 12:45 p.m. Return to St. Matthew at 3:10 p.m.
**Please note that blue jeans and hats are allowed to be worn on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.
We celebrate and honor God for the gift of Christian education, and we are so thankful for our dedicated staff that carries out the mission for our students to grow closer to and more like Jesus!
In His Love,
Mrs. Palka