"Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; He is risen!" Luke 24:5
Family traditions can create very special memories. Perhaps your family has distinctive ways in which you recognize birthdays, honor special occasions, or celebrate holidays.
Our family has numerous traditions; one Easter tradition that still occurs to this day is that each child/grandchild looks for his/her basket before we attend Easter morning church service. Throughout his life, our middle child always knows that no matter what state we happened to be in or what relative's home we happen to stay at, somehow, he can always find his basket on top of the car in the garage.
Somehow, over the past Easters, we have fun reminiscing and laughing about the year that my husband forgot about this particular tradition.
Being a CPA, Ken's busiest season is during the January through April 15th tax season, and unfortunately, Easter will frequently occur before April 15th. There was one particular year where Ken just wanted to get to the office to finish a job while the rest of us were sleeping and return home in time for our Easter traditions and attending the Easter worship service.
Being a night owl, I had stayed up late and hid the baskets before I went to bed. However, it was probably around 4 am when Ken decided to leave for work. It was dark; he was tired, and apparently unobservant, as he decided to take my car, which was parked in the garage. Snuggled in my bed, I vaguely remembered hearing the engine start and the garage door going up, but a few hours later, I awoke with a jolt when I finally realized what had occurred... Justin's basket went for a ride!
As the vision of my car speeding down I-96 with an Easter basket on top of it flooded my brain, I quickly grabbed my jacket to head outside and search for any remains. I was trying to analyze if I was upset for poor Justin or upset with myself because I had selected to use one of my good Longaberger baskets for his basket? Confessing to myself that it was probably a little of both, I began to run down the street in pursuit of the lost basket.
About four houses away, I could see evidence of Ken's acceleration as the contents of the basket were strewn across the road, and the actual basket was lying on the neighbor's lawn. I wiped off the frost that had already formed on each item and put the basket back together again. Walking home (and realizing that I was in my pajamas and some neighbors were watching), I couldn't help but laugh. That basket sure wasn't where Justin expected to find it when he would eventually start searching!
Jesus wasn't where Mary Magdalene expected to find him either! As she went to the tomb, she was surprised when He wasn't there! However, when He did appear, there was incredible joy that followed.
He is risen! He is risen indeed! May the glory of Easter and victory of His resurrection be a consistent source of joy in each of our lives.
Have a wonderful week knowing that your Redeemer lives!
In His Love,
Mrs. Palka