Getting to the Root of the Issue

"See to it that no one falls short of the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many." Hebrews 12:15

Comments you really don't want to hear...

"Did you know that your driver's license is expired?"

"WOW... your hair has really gotten a lot grayer since the last time I saw you!"

"Mommy... why is there water coming out of the basement ceiling?"

"Did anyone else wake up hearing squeaking noises coming from inside the walls?”

However, one comment that we did not expect to hear this summer from a gentleman cleaning our septic tank was, "Ummmm, I think you have a serious problem here!"  

Sure enough, an official soil percolation performed by the Oakland County Health Department confirmed that indeed we had a serious problem, and as a result, our 34 year-old septic field needed to be replaced.

Never having the opportunity to experience the replacement of a septic field, I was absolutely shocked when I returned home from school last Tuesday to see how much of our backyard had been dug up after only one day of excavating! When this journey began, we were hoping this was going to be a quick and easy fix. Unfortunately, we learned last Tuesday that in order to correct and properly address this issue, the crew had to dig much deeper than originally planned in order to install the new field. Often in life, we find that in order for problems to get properly resolved, you need to dig deep to get to the root of the issue.

I had a wise friend who would frequently say, "When there is a problem, take the time to trace the extension cord to find what the real problem is actually plugged into." In other words, take the time to determine what root of the problem is, and then with God's help, speak the truth in love as you address and resolve it!  

As we begin this 2024/2025 school year, it is our desire to have open and honest communication within our school community. The Bible provides clear directions from Lord regarding the way we should handle conflict. Scripture states in Matthew 18:15, "If your brother or sister sins, go and point out their fault, just between the two of you. If they listen to you, you have won them over. But if they will not listen, take one or two others along, so that every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses." In other words, if you have a conflict or issue with someone, you should start the conflict resolution process by discussing your concern privately with the other person. If the situation does not get resolved, then you go to the next step and involve one additional person, not a crowd. In addition, if there is ever an issue and/or problem, we pray that the Lord will help each one of us identify it and then guide us to utilize Godly means of resolution to address and resolve it, because we know that "My God Can" and He Will help us to resolve it!

In Jesus’ Love,

Mrs. Palka

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