“My sheep listen to My voice; I know them, and they follow Me.” John 10:27

Last June, it was the Wednesday of VBS Week and I had fifteen minutes to walk my daughter’s dog, deliver a few packages to my neighbors, and feed the dog before meeting friends for dinner. Preoccupied with my thoughts for how I was going to get all of this accomplished, I automatically put the handle of leash around my lower arm so that I had two available hands to hold the packages. Apparently Shiloh also knew that I was under a time constraint, so when I hit the garage door opener, he bolted out the door like a rocket! However, I was not prepared for such an enthusiastic departure, and with the leash around my lower arm and my arms full of packages, I was caught off guard as Shiloh pulled me off the top step of the back door and onto the garage floor. If video footage existed, I’m sure Simone Biles would have cringed watching not only the technique of my flip, but the painful landing on my back that followed. I quickly learned that cement is not a great shock absorber, and once I had my breath back, panic instantly seized and captured all of my thoughts: “Our family trip in July is ruined!” “There’s no way I’m going to be able to hike in Colorado now!” “And how will I participate in the World Vision Half Marathon in October?!!” All of these thoughts raced through my mind before I was even off the garage floor!

Have you ever found that this is how the evil one operates? He thrives on making us feel anxious, defeated, and hopeless and tries to bombard our thoughts with negativity. One of my favorite songs by Casting Crowns is entitled “The Voice Of Truth”. Often I would play it when my kids were younger and facing various challenging situations where Satan was trying to interfere with their thoughts and make them feel fearful, inept, or worthless. The verses of this song remind us that negative thoughts are not of God, and we need to always seek to listen and follow His Voice of Truth:

“But the Voice of Truth tells me a different story. The Voice of Truth says, “Do not be afraid.” And the Voice of Truth says, “This is for my glory.” Out of all the voices calling out to me, I will choose to listen and believe the Voice of Truth.”

As only God could design, my son had arrived home early on that day, and he ran over once I called and explained what had happened. It took a little time, but finally he was able to talk me into going to the hospital, where X-rays revealed two fractured vertebras in my back. But guess what? The family trip still occurred, I was able to hike in Colorado, and I am still on schedule to walk for Team World Vision during the Detroit Free Press Marathon on October 20th! All of those worse case scenarios that flooded my mind NEVER happened!

As we begin this 2024/2025 school year, may we always strive to listen and follow His Voice of Truth in all situations and/or circumstances because we know “My God Can” lead us through all things!

Blessings on your week as you follow His voice!

In Jesus’ Love,

Mrs. Palka

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